It all started with the Organic Erase...
Humankind depleted the natural resources of planet Earth. This lead to their own demise as they could not survive without oxygen, food and water.
The animals of planet Earth were the first ones to perish, as Humankind was selfishly clinging to the last of the natural resources to save their own. Desperate to bring back a likeness to their beloved animal companions, they created AI-powered robot animals, called Mecha’s.

Background Story
Strategic Partnership

Battle. Quest. Craft.
A post-apocalyptic NFT game about building, questing and battling with mecha animals on the WAX Blockchain.
About Mecha World
Mecha World is part of the FGL NFT ecosystem, using FGL Tokens.
The FGL token will function as currency across our entire crypto games portfolio. We believe this increases the value and longevity of our token and helps to establish a healthy economy.

Tap Icon to flip.
Tap card to flip
The Mechas are your base NFT's. At launch there will be 36 different looks based on Canine body shapes and colors. You can give your Mecha a unique look by fitting Parts.
Level up your Mechas by sending them on quests or battles against Mechas from other players.

Tap Icon to flip
Tap card to flip
Parts & Upgrades
Your Mechas can be enhanced by fitting Parts NFT's to it. There is a wide variety of Parts available, of which some will also visually change the appearance of your Mecha NFT..
Parts will come in different rarities. They make your Mecha stronger during battles and will increase your chances or finding NFTs during quests.

Land can be used to build Workshops and Arenas upon. Take part in the Mecha World economy by letting other players use your Workshop services or let them battle in your Arena.

When you obtain Parts NFT's you can fit them onto your Mecha. This will increase your Battle strength and will give you a higher chance of finding NFT's during quests.
Modifying your Mecha is a specialist job that needs to be carried out at a Workshop. Workshops are player-owned and can function as a Token income source.

Sending your Mechas on quests will earn them XP, which is used to level up. Next to the XP, the questing could earn you some FGL Tokens, or perhaps even NFT’s like Parts & Upgrades or another Mecha. The longer the quest, the higher the yield.
